Monday, February 7, 2011

Media arts is an opportunity to take a creative idea and incorporate the technological skills to bring that idea to life. Digital art is art that has no boundaries and leaves open possibilities that might not be possible with regular mediums or would be extremely complicated. The computer is a device that allows the seemingly impossible to be possible. I am really looking forward to this course because it will allow me to take what is in my mind and turn it into something i never would have created with a paintbrush. The sky is the limit, but there are foot steps on the moon. The studio rules are simple, I will give credit where credit is needed and I understand that I am responsible and liable for my creative space. By planning ahead and allowing ample time to complete tasks there should be no reason to step out side of boundaries. As a student I completely understand how necessary it is to implement rules and sustain a positive image on my part. Seeing as how I am representing my school I will take caution not to break these rules.

-Dani Mulrooney


  1. Dani, love your post. That's the kind of artsy blah blah I am looking for. forgot to comment on the studio rules. I need to know that you agree to abide by them so I can throw that back at you if you don't:)

    Good job getting your face on your blog too.

  2. I FIXED IT :p and my face is here because for some reason this blog connected to my other one aha
