Friday, April 1, 2011

a dream

1 comment:

  1. So, it's Sunday night and I am doing my work even though you have not completed yours. I am not extending deadlines. You could have done your reflection from home.

    Your image is attractive. It has an interesting collage feel to it. I think the titles could have been in a stronger, larger or bolder, font as they need to stand out more to catch the reader's attention.

    Not doing your reflection not only loses you marks on this task but it also put you at a disadvantage for the next one in that I am unable to give you feedback. I no longer need to hear a step-by-step explanation of the technical process. I just want to hear an explanation of the concept and why it is suitable to the audience. Something like this...

    I gave this cover design a fine art feel which is appropriate for a publication of written art work. The semi transparent layers give the impression of a tissue paper collage or watercolour rather than a graphic approach using in advertising. The focal point is the girl in the white dress. Her back is to the viewer so as to create a feeling of mystery. Who is she? Where is she going? The figure in a long white gown moving through a field of flowers creates a feeling of elegance along with the mystery. The idea is to create a sense of wonder about what is in this book. The leaves are partially transparent and seem to be floating up and away from the figure, this is a visual metaphor for the thoughts expressed in the poetry contained within which float off the page from the author to the reader. The title is in a hand written font to continue the theme of personal writing and so as not to over power the graphic images.

    See what I am after?
