Thursday, April 21, 2011

1 comment:

  1. Hey Dani, it is Monday night and I'm trying to keep myself on track so I am marking work even if the written post is not done. You can ask me to reassess it if you wish, but I am introducing a new task on Tuesday.

    I prefer the first version of your poster. I think the image loses clarity and impact in the blue version. In the first version the "blonde" faces and the Asian faces make a clearer statement of diversity.

    The choice of the Church of Our Lady in the background is controversial. It is a clear indication of Guelph, but it is also a strong Catholic image which may not be a good indicator of diversity. The fountain in St. George's Square would have been an image with a wider appeal.

    Once again having the work complete by deadline is your biggest challenge. If we could get a week where you're present and the computers are working, it would help:)
