Friday, May 20, 2011

Peeking Piggy

To create the image "Peaking Piggy" I decided to use the technique of digital painting. For my image I used a brush that was broken up sectionally in order to really create a textured look and like in real life painting I used cross hatching as well as short and long stroked for an extra special effect. The image is a pig peeking over a fence (see title) curiously. I did this because I found that it was a really innocent and natural thing for a pig to do. People do not give pigs enough credit, they rank in the top ten in terms of animal intelligence, that is only nine potential steps lower then humans. My painting was inspired by a picture found on the internet (see crediting below) with major adjustment. The adjustments I made from the original image were to give the end result a farm like effect. I wanted the scene to look like something from western Canada folk art which depicts the vast flat plains of the prairies. I decided to use really warm colors because I wanted the image to have the same feel as a hot summer day. This influenced my background which is a spattered filter struck gradient.

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