Friday, May 6, 2011


For this assignment I really have no idea what I was doing. It was very good timing because I was completely and still am consumed by my emotions which allows me to work it into my work. I recently discovered my love for digital painting so I took advantage of this assignment and used it as a means to genuinly express myself. I did different renditions of this image because I liked it a lot of different ways. Some ways were more appropriate then others for a CD cover. Such as the one with only one word. However, I liked the ones with the song lyrics from ADELE and her new album "21". The song is called "Don't you remember why you loved me"  so I posted them as well even if they seem a little crowded.

My origional image, which you have a hard copy of, accidently was saved as the third image. This one was my favorite. It had the color and I found it looked more like the person I was trying to paint rather then the red and black ones. I wanted to do a version of that one with just the word and picture rather then all teh lyrics behind as well but I accidently saved the file incorrectly.

image1: For the first image, i wanted the face to blend and for the whole thing to be a clustery overwhelming cover. The reason behind this is because the situation which inspired me to even make what i made to begin with is jsut that, overwhelming.

image2: I wanted to try something less crowded but with only a little empty space so I just used the chorus of the song and the title of what I chose for my CD cover.

image3: Image 3 was made just to appeal to you Ms. Reidel. ; ) I  tried to use the rule of thirds and colors that contrasted well, I find teh white with black and red is intense and could be eye catching.

Hand painted CD covers have always been my favorite they just appeal to me it would be hard to resist the chance to have this sort of creative outlet so I hope the fact that it is hand painted meets your expectations, if not I can redo the assignment. Sorry about screwing up my orig.

1 comment:

  1. I've got the original. You've done a nice piece or work. What can we do to get you organized to meet deadlines? What can we do about the spelling?

    We're in the last weeks of the course and you need to pull yourself together.
